As a middle schooler, Mrs. Haas remembers getting her papers
returned to her marked up in red ink clearly identifying her abuses of the
written language: spellings slip-ups, grammatical gaffes and punctuation
booboos. Needless to say, author was not
on her career choice list. However, encouraged by her large family of teachers
(father and 7 out of 11 siblings), Mrs. Haas learned that writing is really
about expressing the heart and not discovering errors. In fact, her childhood
school experiences, frenzied family life, and past and current students provide her with a wealth of writing inspirations. Some day she hopes to have her book about Third
Culture Kids - Home published, but for
now, she is content with her students being her audience. Mrs. Haas currently
lives in Singapore with her mathematical marvel husband, Jim; gymnastic genius
daughter, Taylor; and sport enthusiast son, Eli.